Old Habits Die Hard (2018)
5 min | English | Leah Caddigan
As a recovering alcoholic, Eve, an investigative journalist, wants to start a new life: sober and away from her demons. When she meets a Russian Private Investigation Agent at a secret bar one last time to exchange classified information, something is about to happen that is far more dangerous.
“LeaPVision Productions' films force you to discuss and analyze them with others - they make you think.”
— Ali Naro, Blogger & Movie Critic
“Lea Pfändler gave a great and sincere performance in this film. I also think the way Vlad was written and performed really embodied some of the essence of temptation. His prompting was audacious and incessant."
Michael Williams — Festival Administrator Oregon Cinema Arts Film Festival
The Team
The People behind the film
Leah Caddigan
Pavel Shatu
Writer, Producer
Lea Pfändler
Writer, Producer